ebisim.physconst module

Central module for holding physical constants used in the simulation code.

ebisim.physconst.ALPHA = 0.0072973525693

Fine structure constant

ebisim.physconst.COMPT_E_RED = 3.8615926796089057e-13

<m> Reduced electron compton wavelength

ebisim.physconst.C_L = 299792458.0

<m/s> Speed of light in vacuum

ebisim.physconst.EPS_0 = 8.8541878128e-12

<F/m> Vacuum permittivity

ebisim.physconst.HBAR = 1.0545718176461565e-34

<J*s> Reduced Planck constant

ebisim.physconst.K_B = 1.380649e-23

<J/K> Boltzmann constant

ebisim.physconst.MINIMAL_KBT = 0.001

<eV> Minimal temperature equivalent

ebisim.physconst.MINIMAL_N_1D = 1e-06

<1/m> Minimal particle number density

ebisim.physconst.MINIMAL_N_3D = 1.0

<1/m^3> Minimal particle number density

ebisim.physconst.M_E = 9.1093837015e-31

<kg> Electron mass

ebisim.physconst.M_E_EV = 510998.9499961642

<eV> Electron mass equivalent

ebisim.physconst.M_P = 1.67262192369e-27

<kg> Proton mass

ebisim.physconst.PI = 3.141592653589793


ebisim.physconst.Q_E = 1.602176634e-19

<C> Elementary charge

ebisim.physconst.RY_EV = 13.605693122994232

<eV> Rydberg energy