Source code for ebisim.beams

This module contains tools for computing characteristic quantities of electron beams typically
found in an electron beam ion source / trap.

import numpy as np
from .physconst import Q_E, PI, EPS_0, K_B, M_E
from .plasma import electron_velocity

[docs]class ElectronBeam: """ This class contains logic that allows estimating the space charge corrected energy of an electron beam and the resulting energy spread Parameters ---------- cur : float <A> Electron beam current. b_d : float <T> Magnetic flux density in the centre (drift tubes) of the EBIS. r_d : float <m> Drift tube radius. b_c : float <T> Magentic flux density on the cathode surface r_c : float <m> Cathode radius. t_c : float <K> Cathode temperature. """ def __init__(self, cur, b_d, r_d, b_c, r_c, t_c): self._cur = cur self._b_d = b_d self._r_d = r_d self._r_c = r_c self._t_c = t_c self._b_c = b_c @property def current(self): """ Current of the electron beam. """ return self._cur @current.setter def current(self, val): self._cur = val
[docs] def characteristic_potential(self, e_kin): """ Returns the characteristic potential due to spacecharge Parameters ---------- e_kin : float <eV> Electron kinetic energy. Returns ------- float <V> Characteristic potential. """ v = electron_velocity(e_kin) return self._cur / (4 * PI * EPS_0 * v)
[docs] def herrmann_radius(self, e_kin): """ Returns the Hermann radius of an electron beam with the given machine parameters Parameters ---------- e_kin : float <eV> Electron kinetic energy. Returns ------- float <m> Hermann radius. """ v = electron_velocity(e_kin) s1 = M_E * self._cur / (PI * EPS_0 * Q_E * v * self._b_d**2) s2 = 8 * K_B * self._t_c * M_E * self._r_c**2 / (Q_E**2 * self._b_d**2) s3 = self._b_c**2 * self._r_c**4 / (self._b_d**2) return np.sqrt(s1 + np.sqrt(s1**2 + s2 + s3))
[docs] def space_charge_correction(self, e_kin, r=0): """ Returns the space charge correction at a given radius r, current and electron beam energy This is done by iteratively computing the spacecharge correction and the hermann radius until the realtive change in space charge correction is < 1e-6. Parameters ---------- e_kin : float <eV> Electron kinetic energy. r : float, optional Distance from the axis at which to evaluate the correction, by default 0. Returns ------- float <V> Space charge correction. Raises ------ ValueError If r is larger than the drift tube radius. """ if r > self._r_d or r < 0: raise ValueError("r cannot be bigger than the drift tube radius or smaller than 0") # Init iterative solution # This is mainly required to adjust phi_0 as a function of e_kin # the hermann radius is essentially constant over large dynamic ranges sc_on_ax_new = 1 sc_on_ax_old = 0 while (sc_on_ax_new - sc_on_ax_old)/sc_on_ax_new > 1e-6: # Check relative difference # Compute kinetic energy correction corr_e_kin = e_kin + sc_on_ax_new # Compute Herrmann radius and characteristic potential r_e = self.herrmann_radius(corr_e_kin) phi_0 = self.characteristic_potential(corr_e_kin) # Compute space charge correction sc_on_ax_old = sc_on_ax_new sc_on_ax_new = phi_0 * (2 * np.log(r_e / self._r_d) - 1) # When loop is exited r_e and phi_0 should have the right values if r < r_e: multip = 2 * np.log(r_e / self._r_d) + (r / r_e)**2 - 1 else: multip = 2 * np.log(r / self._r_d) return phi_0 * multip