Source code for ebisim.plasma

This module contains functions for computing collission rates and related plasma parameters.
import logging
from numba import njit, vectorize  # , float64, int64
import numpy as np

from .physconst import M_E, M_P, PI, EPS_0, Q_E, C_L, M_E_EV
from .physconst import MINIMAL_N_3D

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

logger.debug("Defining _erfc_appprox.")

def _erfc_approx(x):
    Approximation of the complementary error function erfc on the interval (0, inf]
    return (1 - np.exp(-1.98*x))*np.exp(-x**2) / 2.0117351207777605 / x

logger.debug("Defining electron_velocity.")

[docs]@njit(cache=True) def electron_velocity(e_kin): r""" Computes the electron velocity corresponding to a kinetic energy. Parameters ---------- e_kin : float or numpy.ndarray <eV> Kinetic energy of the electron. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray <m/s> Speed of the electron. Notes ----- .. math:: v_e = c\sqrt{1-\left(\dfrac{m_e c^2}{m_e c^2 + E_e}\right)^2} """ return C_L * np.sqrt(1 - (M_E_EV / (M_E_EV + e_kin))**2)
logger.debug("Defining clog_ei.") @vectorize( # [float64(float64, float64, float64, float64, float64, int64)], cache=True, nopython=True ) def clog_ei(Ni, Ne, kbTi, kbTe, Ai, qi): r""" The coulomb logarithm for ion electron collisions [CLOGEI]_. Parameters ---------- Ni : float or numpy.ndarray <1/m^3> Ion density. Ne : float or numpy.ndarray <1/m^3> Electron density. kbTi : float or numpy.ndarray <eV> Ion temperature. kbTe : float or numpy.ndarray <eV> Electron temperature. Ai : float or numpy.ndarray Ion mass number. qi : int or numpy.ndarray Ion charge state. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Ion electron coulomb logarithm. References ---------- .. [CLOGEI] "NRL Plasma Formulary", J. D. Huba, Naval Research Laboratory (2019), Notes ----- .. math:: \lambda_{ei} = 23 - \ln\left(N_e^{1/2} (T_e)^{-3/2} q_i\right) \quad\text{if } T_i m_e/m_i < T_e < 10 q_i^2\text{ eV} .. math:: \lambda_{ei} = 24 - \ln\left(N_e^{1/2} (T_e)^{-1}\right) \quad\text{if } T_i m_e/m_i < 10 q_i^2\text{ eV} < T_e .. math:: \lambda_{ei} = 16 - \ln\left(N_i^{1/2} (T_i)^{-3/2} q_i^2 \mu_i\right) \quad\text{if } T_e < T_i m_e/m_i .. math:: \left[\lambda_{ei} = 24 - \ln\left(N_e^{1/2} (T_e)^{-1/2}\right) \quad\text{else (fallback)} \right] In these formulas N and T are given in cm^-3 and eV respectively. As documented, the function itself expects the density to be given in 1/m^3. """ Ni = Ni * 1e-6 # go from 1/m**3 to 1/cm**3 Ne = Ne * 1e-6 qqten = qi * qi * 10 redkbTi = kbTi * M_E / (Ai * M_P) if redkbTi <= kbTe <= qqten: res = 23. - np.log(Ne**0.5 * qi * kbTe**-1.5) elif redkbTi <= qqten <= kbTe: res = 24. - np.log(Ne**0.5 / kbTe) elif kbTe <= redkbTi: res = 16. - np.log(Ni**0.5 * kbTi**-1.5 * qi * qi * Ai) # The next case should not usually arise in any realistic situation but the solver may probe it # Hence it is purely a rough guess else: # (if qqten <= redkbTi <= kbTe) res = 24. - np.log(Ne**0.5 / kbTe) if res < 0: res = 0.0 return res logger.debug("Defining clog_ii.") @vectorize( # [float64(float64, float64, float64, float64, float64, float64, int64, int64)], cache=True, nopython=True ) def clog_ii(Ni, Nj, kbTi, kbTj, Ai, Aj, qi, qj): r""" The coulomb logarithm for ion ion collisions [CLOGII]_. Parameters ---------- Ni : float or numpy.ndarray <1/m^3> Ion species "i" density. Nj : float or numpy.ndarray <1/m^3> Ion species "j" density. kbTi : float or numpy.ndarray <eV> Ion species "i" temperature. kbTj : float or numpy.ndarray <eV> Ion species "j" temperature. Ai : float or numpy.ndarray Ion species "i" mass number. Aj : float or numpy.ndarray Ion species "j" mass number. qi : int or numpy.ndarray Ion species "i" charge state. qj : int or numpy.ndarray Ion species "j" charge state. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Ion ion coulomb logarithm. References ---------- .. [CLOGII] "NRL Plasma Formulary", J. D. Huba, Naval Research Laboratory (2019), Notes ----- .. math:: \lambda_{ij} = \lambda_{ji} = 23 - \ln \left( \frac{q_i q_j(\mu_i+\mu_j)}{\mu_i T_j+\mu_j T_i} \left( \frac{n_i q_i^2}{T_i} + \frac{n_j q_j^2}{T_j} \right)^{1/2} \right) In these formulas N and T are given in cm^-3 and eV respectively. As documented, the function itself expects the density to be given in 1/m^3. """ A = qi * qj * (Ai + Aj) / (Ai * kbTj + Aj * kbTi) B = (Ni * qi * qi / kbTi + Nj * qj * qj / kbTj) * 1e-6 # go from 1/m**3 to 1/cm**3 return 23 - np.log(A * B**0.5) logger.debug("Defining coulomb_xs.") @vectorize( # [float64(float64, float64, float64, float64, float64, int64)], cache=True, nopython=True ) def coulomb_xs(Ni, Ne, kbTi, Ee, Ai, qi): r""" Computes the Coulomb cross section for elastic electron ion collisions Parameters ---------- Ni : float or numpy.ndarray <1/m^3> Ion density. Ne : float or numpy.ndarray <1/m^3> Electron density. kbTi : float or numpy.ndarray <eV> Ion temperature. Ee : float or numpy.ndarray <eV> Electron kinetic energy. Ai : float or numpy.ndarray Ion mass number. qi : int or numpy.ndarray Ion charge state. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray <m^2> Coulomb cross section. Notes ----- .. math:: \sigma_i = 4 \pi \left( \dfrac{q_i q_e^2}{4\pi\epsilon_0 m_e} \right)^2 \dfrac{\ln \Lambda_{ei}}{v_e^4} """ if qi == 0: return 0. v_e = electron_velocity(Ee) clog = clog_ei(Ni, Ne, kbTi, Ee, Ai, qi) return 4 * PI * (qi * Q_E * Q_E / (4 * PI * EPS_0 * M_E))**2 * clog / v_e**4 logger.debug("Defining ion_coll_rate.") @vectorize( # [float64(float64, float64, float64, float64, float64, float64, int64, int64)], cache=True, nopython=True ) def ion_coll_rate(Ni, Nj, kbTi, kbTj, Ai, Aj, qi, qj): r""" Collision rates for ions species "i" and target species "j" Parameters ---------- Ni : float or numpy.ndarray <1/m^3> Ion species "i" density. Nj : float or numpy.ndarray <1/m^3> Ion species "j" density. kbTi : float or numpy.ndarray <eV> Ion species "i" temperature. kbTj : float or numpy.ndarray <eV> Ion species "j" temperature. Ai : float or numpy.ndarray Ion species "i" mass number. Aj : float or numpy.ndarray Ion species "j" mass number. qi : int or numpy.ndarray Ion species "i" charge state. qj : int or numpy.ndarray Ion species "j" charge state. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray <1/s> Ion ion collision rate. See Also -------- ebisim.plasma.ion_coll_rate_mat : Similar method for all charge states. Notes ----- .. math:: \nu_{ij} = \dfrac{1}{(4\pi\epsilon_0)^2}\dfrac{4\sqrt{2\pi}}{3}N_j\left( \dfrac{q_i q_j q_e^2}{m_i} \right)^2 \left(\dfrac{m_i}{k_B T_i}\right)^{3/2} \ln \Lambda_{ij} """ # Artifically clamp collision rate to zero if either density is very small # This is a reasonable assumption and prevents instabilities when calling the coulomb logarithm if Ni <= MINIMAL_N_3D or Nj <= MINIMAL_N_3D or kbTi <= 0 or kbTj <= 0: return 0. if qi == 0 or qj == 0: return 0. clog = clog_ii(Ni, Nj, kbTi, kbTj, Ai, Aj, qi, qj) kbTi_SI = kbTi * Q_E Mi = Ai * M_P const = 4 / 3 / (4 * PI * EPS_0)**2 * np.sqrt(2 * PI) return np.maximum(const * Nj * (qi * qj * Q_E * Q_E / Mi)**2 * (Mi/kbTi_SI)**1.5 * clog, 0) logger.debug("Defining spitzer_heating.") @vectorize( # [float64(float64, float64, float64, float64, float64, int64)], cache=True, nopython=True ) def spitzer_heating(Ni, Ne, kbTi, Ee, Ai, qi): r""" Computes the heating rates due to elastic electron ion collisions ('Spitzer Heating') Parameters ---------- Ni : float or numpy.ndarray <1/m^3> Vector of ion densities. Ne : float or numpy.ndarray <1/m^3> Electron density. kbTi : float or numpy.ndarray <eV> Vector of ion temperatures. Ee : float or numpy.ndarray <eV> Electron kinetic energy. Ai : float or numpy.ndarray Ion mass number. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray <eV/s> Vector of electron heating rate (temperature increase) for each charge state. Notes ----- .. math:: \left(\dfrac{d k_B T_i}{d t}\right)^{\text{Spitzer}} = \dfrac{2}{3} N_e v_e \sigma_i 2 \dfrac{m_e}{m_i} E_e where sigma_i is the cross section for Coulomb collisions (cf. ebisim.plasma.coulomb_xs). """ if Ni < MINIMAL_N_3D: return 0. return np.maximum( 0, (2/3 * Ne * electron_velocity(Ee) * 2 * M_E / (Ai * M_P) * Ee * coulomb_xs(Ni, Ne, kbTi, Ee, Ai, qi)) ) logger.debug("Defining collisional_thermalisation.") @vectorize( # [float64(float64, float64, float64, float64, float64)], cache=True, nopython=True ) def collisional_thermalisation(kbTi, kbTj, Ai, Aj, nuij): r""" Computes the collisional energy transfer rates for species "i" with respect to species "j". Parameters ---------- kbTi : float or numpy.ndarray <eV> Vector of ion species "i" temperatures. kbTj : float or numpy.ndarray <eV> Vector of ion species "j" temperatures. Ai : float or numpy.ndarray Ion species "i" mass number. Aj : float or numpy.ndarray Ion species "j" mass number. nuij : float or numpy.ndarray <1/s> Collision rate matrix for the ions (cf. ion_coll_mat). Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray <eV/s> Vector of temperature change rate for each charge state. Notes ----- .. math:: \left(\dfrac{d k_B T_i}{d t}\right)_j = 2 \nu_{ij} \dfrac{m_i}{m_j} \dfrac{k_B T_j - k_B T_i}{(1 + m_i k_B T_j / m_j k_B T_i)^{3/2}} """ if kbTi <= 0 or kbTj <= 0: return 0 else: return 2 * nuij * Ai/Aj * (kbTj - kbTi) / \ (1 + (Ai * kbTj) / (Aj * kbTi))**1.5 logger.debug("Defining trapping_strength_axial.") @vectorize( # [float64(float64, int64, float64)], cache=True, nopython=True ) def trapping_strength_axial(kbTi, qi, V): r""" Computes the axial trapping strenghts. Parameters ---------- kbTi : float or numpy.ndarray <eV> Vector of ion temperatures. qi : int or numpy.ndarray Ion species "i" charge state. V : float or numpy.ndarray <V> Trap depth. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray <1/s> Vector of axial ion trapping strenghts for each charge state. Notes ----- .. math:: \omega_i^{ax} = \dfrac{q_i V_{ax}}{k_B T_i} """ return qi * V / kbTi logger.debug("Defining trapping_strength_radial.") @vectorize( # [float64(float64, int64, float64, float64, float64, float64)], cache=True, nopython=True ) def trapping_strength_radial(kbTi, qi, Ai, V, B, r_dt): r""" Radial trapping strenghts. Parameters ---------- kbTi : float or numpy.ndarray <eV> Vector of ion temperatures. qi : int or numpy.ndarray Ion species "i" charge state. Ai : float or numpy.ndarray Ion mass number. V : float or numpy.ndarray <V> Trap depth. B : float or numpy.ndarray <T> Axial magnetic flux density. r_dt : float or numpy.ndarray <m> Drift tube radius. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray <1/s> Vector of radial ion trapping strenghts for each charge state. Notes ----- .. math:: \omega_i^{rad} = \dfrac{q_i \left(V_{rad} + B r_{dt} \sqrt{2 k_B T_i/(3 m_i)} \right)}{k_B T_i} """ return qi * (V + B * r_dt * np.sqrt(2 * kbTi * Q_E / (3 * M_P * Ai))) / kbTi logger.debug("Defining collisional_escape_rate.") @vectorize( # [float64(float64, float64, float64)], cache=True, nopython=True ) def collisional_escape_rate(nui, w): r""" Generic escape rate - to be called by axial and radial escape Parameters ---------- nui : float or numpy.ndarray <1/s> Vector of total ion ion collision rates for each charge state. w : float or numpy.ndarray <1/s> Vector of trap (loss) frequencies. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray <1/s> Vector of ion loss rates for each charge state. Notes ----- .. math:: \dfrac{3}{\sqrt{2}} \nu_i \dfrac{e^{-\omega_i}}{\omega_i} """ if w <= 0.1: # Clamp if w gets too small (this value is already unphysical) w = 0.1 esc = 3 / np.sqrt(2) * nui * np.exp(-w) / w return esc