Source code for ebisim.simulation._radial_dist

This module contains function for solving the radial space charge problem in an EBIS.
The ions are assumed to follow a Boltzmann statistic in the radial trapping potential. Their charge
in turn also shapes the potential once the number of ions becomes significant.
import logging
import numpy as np
from numba import njit

from ..physconst import EPS_0, Q_E, PI, M_E

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

logger.debug("Defining tridiagonal_matrix_algorithm.")

[docs]@njit(cache=True) def tridiagonal_matrix_algorithm(l, d, u, b): # noqa:E741 """ Tridiagonal Matrix Algorithm [TDMA]_. Solves a system of equations M x = b for x, where M is a tridiagonal matrix. M = np.diag(d) + np.diag(u[:-1], 1) + np.diag(l[1:], -1) Parameters ---------- l : np.ndarray Lower diagonal vector l[i] = M[i, i-1]. d : np.ndarray Diagonal vector d[i] = M[i, i]. u : np.ndarray Upper diagonal vector u[i] = M[i, i+1]. b : np.ndarray Inhomogenety term. Returns ------- x : np.ndarray Solution of the linear system. References ---------- .. [TDMA] "Tridiagonal matrix algorithm" """ n = l.size cp = np.zeros(n) dp = np.zeros(n) x = np.zeros(n) cp[0] = u[0]/d[0] dp[0] = b[0]/d[0] for k in range(1, n): cp[k] = u[k] / (d[k]-l[k]*cp[k-1]) dp[k] = (b[k]-l[k]*dp[k-1]) / (d[k]-l[k]*cp[k-1]) x[-1] = dp[-1] for k in range(n-2, -1, -1): x[k] = dp[k] - cp[k]*x[k+1] return x
logger.debug("Defining fd_system_uniform_grid.")
[docs]@njit(cache=True) def fd_system_uniform_grid(r): """ Sets up the three diagonal vectors for a finite Poisson problem with radial symmetry on a uniform grid. d phi/dr = 0 at r = 0, and phi = phi0 at r = (n-1) * dr = r_max Parameters ---------- r : np.ndarray <m> Radial grid points, must be evenly spaced, with r[0] = 0, r[-1] = r_max. Returns ------- l : np.ndarray Lower diagonal vector. d : np.ndarray Diagonal vector. u : np.ndarray Upper diagonal vector. See Also -------- ebisim.simulation._radial_dist.fd_system_nonuniform_grid """ dr = r[1] - r[0] n = r.size d = np.full(n, -2/dr**2) d[-1] = 1 l = np.zeros(n) # noqa:E741 l[1:-1] = (1-0.5/np.arange(1, n-1))/dr**2 u = np.zeros(n) u[0] = 2/dr**2 u[1:-1] = (1+0.5/np.arange(1, n-1))/dr**2 return l, d, u
logger.debug("Defining radial_potential_uniform_grid.")
[docs]@njit(cache=True) def radial_potential_uniform_grid(r, rho): """ Solves the radial Poisson equation on a uniform grid. Boundary conditions are d phi/dr = 0 at r = 0 and phi(rmax) = 0 Parameters ---------- r : np.ndarray <m> Radial grid points, must be evenly spaced, with r[0] = 0, r[-1] = r_max. rho : np.ndarray <C/m^3> Charge density at r. Returns ------- np.ndarray <V> Potential at r. """ l, d, u = fd_system_uniform_grid(r) # noqa:E741 rho_ = rho.copy() rho_[-1] = 0 # Boundary condition phi = tridiagonal_matrix_algorithm(l, d, u, -rho/EPS_0) return phi
logger.debug("Defining fd_system_nonuniform_grid.")
[docs]@njit(cache=True) def fd_system_nonuniform_grid(r): """ Sets up the three diagonal vectors for a finite Poisson problem with radial symmetry on a nonuniform grid. d phi/dr = 0 at r = 0, and phi = phi0 at r = (n-1) * dr = r_max The finite differences are developed according to [Sundqvist1970]_. Parameters ---------- r : np.ndarray <m> Radial grid points, with r[0] = 0, r[-1] = r_max. Returns ------- l : np.ndarray Lower diagonal vector. d : np.ndarray Diagonal vector. u : np.ndarray Upper diagonal vector. References ---------- .. [Sundqvist1970] "A simple finite-difference grid with non-constant intervals", Sundqvist, H., & Veronis, G., Tellus, 22(1), 26–31 (1970), See Also -------- ebisim.simulation._radial_dist.fd_system_uniform_grid """ dr = r[1:] - r[:-1] n = r.size weight1 = 2/(dr[1:] * dr[:-1] * (dr[1:] + dr[:-1])) weight2 = 1/(r[1:-1]*(dr[1:]**2 * dr[:-1] + dr[1:] * dr[:-1]**2)) d = np.zeros(n) d[0] = -2/dr[0]**2 d[1:-1] = -(dr[:-1] + dr[1:]) * weight1 + (dr[1:]**2 - dr[:-1]**2) * weight2 d[-1] = 1 l = np.zeros(n) # noqa:E741 l[1:-1] = dr[1:] * weight1 - dr[1:]**2 * weight2 u = np.zeros(n) u[0] = 2/dr[0]**2 u[1:-1] = dr[:-1] * weight1 + dr[:-1]**2 * weight2 return l, d, u
logger.debug("Defining radial_potential_nonuniform_grid.")
[docs]@njit(cache=True) def radial_potential_nonuniform_grid(r, rho): """ Solves the radial Poisson equation on a nonuniform grid. Boundary conditions are d phi/dr = 0 at r = 0 and phi(rmax) = 0 Parameters ---------- r : np.ndarray <m> Radial grid points, with r[0] = 0, r[-1] = r_max. rho : np.ndarray <C/m^3> Charge density at r. Returns ------- np.ndarray Potential at r. """ l, d, u = fd_system_nonuniform_grid(r) rho_ = rho.copy() rho_[-1] = 0 # Boundary condition phi = tridiagonal_matrix_algorithm(l, d, u, -rho/EPS_0) return phi
logger.debug("Defining heat_capacity.")
[docs]@njit(cache=True) def heat_capacity(r, phi, q, kT): """ Computes the heat capacity of an ion cloud with a given charge state and temperature inside the external potenital phi(r). According to Lu, Currell cloud expansion. Parameters ---------- r : np.ndarray <m> Radial grid points, with r[0] = 0, r[-1] = r_max. phi : np.ndarray <V> Potential at r. q : int Ion charge state. kT : float <eV> Ion temperature Returns ------- float <eV/eV> Constant volume heat capacity """ pot = q*(phi - phi[0]) a = np.trapz(pot**2 * np.exp(-pot/kT) * r, r) b = np.trapz(pot * np.exp(-pot/kT) * r, r) c = np.trapz(np.exp(-pot/kT) * r, r) return 3/2 + 1/kT**2 * (a/c - b**2/c**2)
logger.debug("Defining _tridiag_targetfun.") @njit(cache=True, inline="always") def _tridiag_targetfun(ldu, x, b): """ Targetfunction for nonlinear problem with tridiagonal structure F = - b, where A is tridiagonal and represented by ldu Parameters ---------- ldu : (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray) The lower diagonal, diagonal, and upper diagonal vector describing the finite difference scheme. Can be provided if they have been pre-computed. [description] x : np.ndarray Guessed solution b : np.ndarray Constant term, possibly nonlinear Returns ------- F : np.ndarray Vector valued deviation from target root """ l, d, u = ldu f = d * x - b # Target function f[:-1] += u[:-1] * x[1:] f[1:] += l[1:] * x[:-1] return f logger.debug("Defining boltzmann_radial_potential_onaxis_density.")
[docs]@njit(cache=True) def boltzmann_radial_potential_onaxis_density(r, rho_0, n, kT, q, first_guess=None, ldu=None): """ Solves the Boltzmann Poisson equation for a static background charge density rho_0 and particles with a fixed on axis density n, Temperature kT and charge state q. Below, nRS and nCS are the number of radial sampling points and charge states. Solution is found through Newton iterations, cf. [PICNPSa]_. Parameters ---------- r : np.ndarray <m> Radial grid points, with r[0] = 0, r[-1] = r_max. rho_0 : np.ndarray (nRS, ) <C/m^3> Static charge density at r. n : np.ndarray (1, nCS) <1/m> On axis density of Boltzmann distributed particles. kT : np.ndarray (1, nCS) <eV> Temperature of Boltzmann distributed particles. q : np.ndarray (1, nCS) Charge state of Boltzmann distributed particles. ldu : (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray) The lower diagonal, diagonal, and upper diagonal vector describing the finite difference scheme. Can be provided if they have been pre-computed. Returns ------- phi : np.ndarray (nRS, ) <V> Potential at r. nax : np.ndarray (1, nCS) <1/m^3> On axis number densities. shape : np.ndarray (nRS, nCS) Radial shape factor of the particle distributions. References ---------- .. [PICNPSa] "Nonlinear Poisson Solver" """ # Solves the nonlinear radial poisson equation for a dynamic charge distribution following # the Boltzmann law # A * phi = b0 + bx (where b0 and bx are the static and dynamic terms) # Define cost function f = A * phi - b0 - bx # Compute jacobian J = A - diag(d bx_i / d phi_i) # Solve J y = f # Next guess: phi = phi - y # Iterate until adjustment is small rho_0 = rho_0.copy() rho_0[-1] = 0 # Boundary condition b0 = - rho_0/EPS_0 # static rhs term if ldu is None: ldu = fd_system_nonuniform_grid(r) # Set up tridiagonal system l, d, u = ldu # A = np.diag(d) + np.diag(u[:-1], 1) + np.diag(l[1:], -1) if first_guess is None: phi = radial_potential_nonuniform_grid(r, rho_0) # compute static potential else: phi = first_guess.copy() n = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(n)) kT = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(kT)) q = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(q)) for _ in range(500): # ion dist shape = np.exp(-q * (phi - phi[0])/kT) _bx = - n * q * shape * Q_E / EPS_0 # dynamic rhs term _bx[:, -1] = 0 # boundary condition bx = np.sum(_bx, axis=0) # f = - (b0 + bx) # Target function f = _tridiag_targetfun(ldu, phi, b0 + bx) j_d = - np.sum(_bx * q/kT, axis=0) # Diagonal of the Jacobian Jacobian df/dphi_i y = tridiagonal_matrix_algorithm(l, d - j_d, u, f) res = np.linalg.norm(y)/phi.size phi = phi - y if res < 1e-3: break return phi, n, shape
logger.debug("Defining boltzmann_radial_potential_linear_density.")
[docs]@njit(cache=True) def boltzmann_radial_potential_linear_density(r, rho_0, nl, kT, q, first_guess=None, ldu=None): """ Solves the Boltzmann Poisson equation for a static background charge density rho_0 and particles with line number density n, Temperature kT and charge state q. Below, nRS and nCS are the number of radial sampling points and charge states. Solution is found through Newton Raphson iterations, cf. [PICNPSb]_. Parameters ---------- r : np.ndarray <m> Radial grid points, with r[0] = 0, r[-1] = r_max. rho_0 : np.ndarray (nRS, ) <C/m^3> Static charge density at r. nl : np.ndarray (1, nCS) <1/m> Line number density of Boltzmann distributed particles. kT : np.ndarray (1, nCS) <eV> Temperature of Boltzmann distributed particles. q : np.ndarray (1, nCS) Charge state of Boltzmann distributed particles. ldu : (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray) The lower diagonal, diagonal, and upper diagonal vector describing the finite difference scheme. Can be provided if they have been pre-computed. Returns ------- phi : np.ndarray (nRS, ) <V> Potential at r. nax : np.ndarray (1, nCS) <1/m^3> On axis number densities. shape : np.ndarray (nRS, nCS) Radial shape factor of the particle distributions. References ---------- .. [PICNPSb] "Nonlinear Poisson Solver" """ # Solves the nonlinear radial poisson equation for a dynamic charge distribution following # the Boltzmann law # A * phi = b0 + bx (where b0 and bx are the static and dynamic terms) # Define cost function f = A * phi - b0 - bx # Compute jacobian J = A - diag(d bx_i / d phi_i) # Solve J y = f # Next guess: phi = phi - y # Iterate until adjustment is small rho_0 = rho_0.copy() rho_0[-1] = 0 # Boundary condition b0 = - rho_0/EPS_0 # static rhs term if ldu is None: ldu = fd_system_nonuniform_grid(r) # Set up tridiagonal system l, d, u = ldu # A = np.diag(d) + np.diag(u[:-1], 1) + np.diag(l[1:], -1) if first_guess is None: phi = radial_potential_nonuniform_grid(r, rho_0) # compute static potential else: phi = first_guess.copy() nl = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(nl)) kT = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(kT)) q = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(q)) for _ in range(500): # ion dist shape = np.exp(-q * (phi - phi[0])/kT) i_sr = np.atleast_2d(np.trapz(r*shape, r)).T nax = nl / 2 / PI / i_sr _bx = - nax * q * shape * Q_E / EPS_0 # dynamic rhs term _bx[:, -1] = 0 # boundary condition bx = np.sum(_bx, axis=0) # F = - (b0 + bx) f = _tridiag_targetfun(ldu, phi, b0 + bx) _c = np.zeros_like(shape) _c[:, :-1] = r[:-1] * (r[1:]-r[:-1]) * shape[:, :-1] j_d = - np.sum(_bx * q/kT * (i_sr-_c)/i_sr, axis=0) # Diagonal of the Jacobian df/dphi_i y = tridiagonal_matrix_algorithm(l, d - j_d, u, f) res = np.linalg.norm(y)/phi.size phi = phi - y if res < 1e-3: break return phi, nax, shape
logger.debug("Defining boltzmann_radial_potential_linear_density_ebeam.")
[docs]@njit(cache=True) def boltzmann_radial_potential_linear_density_ebeam( r, current, r_e, e_kin, nl, kT, q, first_guess=None, ldu=None, max_step=500, rel_diff=1e-3 ): """ Solves the Boltzmann Poisson equation for a static background charge density rho_0 and particles with line number density n, Temperature kT and charge state q. The electron beam charge density is computed from a uniform current density and the iteratively corrected velocity profile of the electron beam. Below, nRS and nCS are the number of radial sampling points and charge states. Solution is found through Newton Raphson iterations, cf. [PICNPS]_. Parameters ---------- r : np.ndarray <m> Radial grid points, with r[0] = 0, r[-1] = r_max. current : float <A> Electron beam current (positive sign). r_e : float <m> Electron beam radius. e_kin : float <eV> Uncorrected electron beam energy. nl : np.ndarray (1, nCS) <1/m> Line number density of Boltzmann distributed particles. kT : np.ndarray (1, nCS) <eV> Temperature of Boltzmann distributed particles. q : np.ndarray (1, nCS) Charge state of Boltzmann distributed particles. ldu : (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray) The lower diagonal, diagonal, and upper diagonal vector describing the finite difference scheme. Can be provided if they have been pre-computed. Returns ------- phi : np.ndarray (nRS, ) <V> Potential at r. nax : np.ndarray (1, nCS) <1/m^3> On axis number densities. shape : np.ndarray (nRS, nCS) Radial shape factor of the particle distributions. References ---------- .. [PICNPS] "Nonlinear Poisson Solver" """ # Solves the nonlinear radial poisson equation for a dynamic charge distribution following # the Boltzmann law # A * phi = b0 + bx (where b0 and bx are the static and dynamic terms) # Define cost function f = A * phi - b0 - bx # Compute jacobian J = A - diag(d bx_i / d phi_i) # Solve J y = f # Next guess: phi = phi - y # Iterate until adjustment is small cden = np.zeros(r.size) cden[r <= r_e] = -current/PI/r_e**2 if ldu is None: ldu = fd_system_nonuniform_grid(r) # Set up tridiagonal system l, d, u = ldu nl = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(nl)) kT = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(kT)) q = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(q)) if first_guess is None: irho = np.zeros(r.size) irho[r <= r_e] = np.sum(q * Q_E * nl / (PI*r_e**2), axis=0) erho = cden/np.sqrt(2 * Q_E * e_kin/M_E) irho[r <= r_e] = np.minimum(-.95 * erho[r <= r_e], irho[r <= r_e]) # if irho[0] < -erho[0]: phi = radial_potential_nonuniform_grid(r, erho + irho) # else: # phi = radial_potential_nonuniform_grid(r, erho) else: phi = first_guess for _ in range(max_step): # ion dist shape = np.exp(-q * (phi - phi.min())/kT) i_sr = np.atleast_2d(np.trapz(r*shape, r)).T nax = nl / 2 / PI / i_sr * np.atleast_2d(shape[:, 0]).T # dynamic rhs term _bx_a = - nax * q * shape * Q_E / EPS_0 # dynamic rhs term _bx_b = - cden/np.sqrt(2 * Q_E * (e_kin+phi)/M_E) / EPS_0 _bx_a[:, -1] = 0 # boundary condition bx = np.sum(_bx_a, axis=0) + _bx_b # F = - (b0 + bx) f = _tridiag_targetfun(ldu, phi, bx) # Diagonal of the Jacobian df/dphi_i _c = np.zeros_like(shape) _c[:, :-1] = r[:-1] * (r[1:]-r[:-1]) * shape[:, :-1] j_d = -(np.sum(_bx_a * q/kT * (i_sr-_c)/i_sr, axis=0) + Q_E/M_E*_bx_b/(2 * Q_E * (e_kin+phi)/M_E)) # Diagonal of the Jacobian df/dphi_i y = tridiagonal_matrix_algorithm(l, d - j_d, u, f) res = np.max(np.abs(y[:-1]/phi[:-1])) phi = phi - y if res < rel_diff: break return phi, nax, shape
logger.debug("Defining boltzmann_radial_potential_linear_density_ebeam_sor.") @njit(cache=True) def boltzmann_radial_potential_linear_density_ebeam_sor( r, current, r_e, e_kin, nl, kT, q, first_guess=None, ldu=None ): """ Solves the Boltzmann Poisson equation for a static background charge density rho_0 and particles with line number density n, Temperature kT and charge state q. The electron beam charge density is computed from a uniform current density and the iteratively corrected velocity profile of the electron beam. Below, nRS and nCS are the number of radial sampling points and charge states. Solution is found through Newton Raphson iterations with over relaxation. Parameters ---------- r : np.ndarray <m> Radial grid points, with r[0] = 0, r[-1] = r_max. current : float <A> Electron beam current (positive sign). r_e : float <m> Electron beam radius. e_kin : float <eV> Uncorrected electron beam energy. nl : np.ndarray (1, nCS) <1/m> Line number density of Boltzmann distributed particles. kT : np.ndarray (1, nCS) <eV> Temperature of Boltzmann distributed particles. q : np.ndarray (1, nCS) Charge state of Boltzmann distributed particles. ldu : (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray) The lower diagonal, diagonal, and upper diagonal vector describing the finite difference scheme. Can be provided if they have been pre-computed. Returns ------- phi : np.ndarray (nRS, ) <V> Potential at r. nax : np.ndarray (1, nCS) <1/m^3> On axis number densities. shape : np.ndarray (nRS, nCS) Radial shape factor of the particle distributions. """ # Solves the nonlinear radial poisson equation for a dynamic charge distribution following # the Boltzmann law # A * phi = b0 + bx (where b0 and bx are the static and dynamic terms) # Define cost function f = A * phi - b0 - bx # Compute jacobian J = A - diag(d bx_i / d phi_i) # Solve J y = f # Next guess: phi = phi - y # Iterate until adjustment is small cden = np.zeros(r.size) cden[r <= r_e] = -current/PI/r_e**2 if ldu is None: ldu = fd_system_nonuniform_grid(r) # Set up tridiagonal system l, d, u = ldu nl = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(nl)) kT = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(kT)) q = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(q)) if first_guess is None: irho = np.zeros(r.size) irho[r <= r_e] = np.sum(q * Q_E * nl / (PI*r_e**2), axis=0) erho = cden/np.sqrt(2 * Q_E * e_kin/M_E) irho[r <= r_e] = np.minimum(-.95 * erho[r <= r_e], irho[r <= r_e]) # if irho[0] < -erho[0]: phi = radial_potential_nonuniform_grid(r, erho + irho) # else: # phi = radial_potential_nonuniform_grid(r, erho) else: phi = first_guess phi_m1 = np.zeros_like(phi) phi_m2 = np.zeros_like(phi) shape = np.exp(-q * (phi - phi.min())/kT) # shape[:, np.argmax(phi):] = 0 i_sr = np.atleast_2d(np.trapz(r*shape, r)).T nax = nl / 2 / PI / i_sr * np.atleast_2d(shape[:, 0]).T _bx_a = - nax * q * shape * Q_E / EPS_0 # dynamic rhs term _bx_b = - cden/np.sqrt(2 * Q_E * (e_kin+phi)/M_E) / EPS_0 _bx_a[:, -1] = 0 # boundary condition bx0 = np.sum(_bx_a, axis=0) + _bx_b f0 = _tridiag_targetfun(ldu, phi, bx0) f0n = np.linalg.norm(f0) for k in range(1, 500): # ion dist shape = np.exp(-q * (phi - phi.min())/kT) i_sr = np.atleast_2d(np.trapz(r*shape, r)).T nax = nl / 2 / PI / i_sr * np.atleast_2d(shape[:, 0]).T # dynamic rhs term _bx_a = - nax * q * shape * Q_E / EPS_0 # dynamic rhs term _bx_b = - cden/np.sqrt(2 * Q_E * (e_kin+phi)/M_E) / EPS_0 _bx_a[:, -1] = 0 # boundary condition bx = np.sum(_bx_a, axis=0) + _bx_b # F = - (b0 + bx) f = _tridiag_targetfun(ldu, phi, bx) # Diagonal of the Jacobian df/dphi_i _c = np.zeros_like(shape) _c[:, :-1] = r[:-1] * (r[1:]-r[:-1]) * shape[:, :-1] j_d = -(np.sum(_bx_a * q/kT * (i_sr-_c)/i_sr, axis=0) + Q_E/M_E*_bx_b/(2 * Q_E * (e_kin+phi)/M_E)) # Diagonal of the Jacobian df/dphi_i y = tridiagonal_matrix_algorithm(l, d - j_d, u, f) phi = phi - y if k % 5 == 0: rk = phi - phi_m1 rk_m1 = phi_m1 - phi_m2 drk = rk - rk_m1 mu = 1 -, drk)/, drk) phi = phi_m1 + mu*rk # if np.max(np.abs((phi-phi_m1)[:-1]/phi[:-1])) < 1e-3: elif (np.linalg.norm(phi - phi_m1)/np.linalg.norm(phi) < 1e-10 and np.linalg.norm(f)/f0n < 1e-10): break phi_m2 = phi_m1 phi_m1 = phi return phi, nax, shape